
Disable two factor authentication

To disable two factor authentication for a user, I go to the user profile and deselect it. But when I try to log back on, DSM 6 immediately ...

I can't sign in to Synology NAS (DSM) using 2

On the Info tab, click Reset 2-Step Verification (for DSM 6.2 and earlier) or Disable 2-factor Authentication (for DSM 7.0 and above). If ...

2-Factor Authentication (2FA)

To disable 2-factor authentication (2FA):. To disable 2FA, go to DSM > Personal > Security > 2-Factor Authentication, enter your password, and click Turn Off.

2-factor authentication (2FA) - DSM

To disable 2FA, go to DSM > Personal > Security > 2-Factor Authentication, enter your password, and click Turn Off. Disabling 2FA does not remove configured ...

Disable the F2A

Hi folks. I enabled the 2FA and used it for a while. I did it by Control Panel/Users/Advanced/2-step verification (for admin users only).

Remove two factor authentication from account using SSH?

Synology has an option at log in that you can sign in using a different method is 2fa is lost.

How disable 2

Now, go on DSM : identify with the admin account and password. - Go to control panel / users and. - Edit user to disable 2 ...


Todisabletwofactorauthenticationforauser,Igototheuserprofileanddeselectit.ButwhenItrytologbackon,DSM6immediately ...,OntheInfotab,clickReset2-StepVerification(forDSM6.2andearlier)orDisable2-factorAuthentication(forDSM7.0andabove).If ...,Todisable2-factorauthentication(2FA):.Todisable2FA,gotoDSM>Personal>Security>2-FactorAuthentication,enteryourpassword,andclickTurnOff.,,Todisable2FA,g...